2012 shows
28 Dec 2012 (Friday)

Ryan Pub - 10 PM Country & Bluegrass night with  Mismountainboys at the famous Ryan Pub. Line dancers, bikers and american cars are welcome !!. Via Sorte 9, località Barzana (Bg) Visit Ryan Pub website

22 Dec 2012 (Saturday)

Magic Christmas show - 9 PM Magic Christmas Show organized by Ciao Italy Eventi in collaboration with Playhouse. Present Gianni Molica. Via Provinciale 10 Dalmine. Infoline 3456256127

04 Dec 2012 (Tuesday)

Taverna dei viandanti - 8 Pm Country & bluegrass with MISMOUNTAINBOYS at the Taverna del Viandante.Western e Tex-Mex food.Booking Info line  Tel 039 6981332. Cell 334 9834242. Camparada (MB) Visit tavern website See event flyer See Menu

17 Nov 2012 (Saturday)

Playhouse - 10 PM Country & Bluegrass concert with  Mismountainboys. Via Provinciale 10, Dalmine(Bg)

13 Nov 2012 (Tuesday)

Taverna dei viandanti - 8 Pm Country & bluegrass with MISMOUNTAINBOYS at the Taverna del Viandante.Western e Tex-Mex food.Booking Info line  Tel 039 6981332. Cell 334 9834242. Camparada (MB) Visit tavern website See event flyer

28 Oct 2012 (Sunday)

Private party -. Horse racing in MB province

20 Oct 2012 (Saturday)

Eurobrasserie - 10 Pm. The Mismountainboys will play their  Bluegrass & Country repertoire at the Eurobrasserie Pub located in Via Angelo Maj 1.Bergamo(Bg).Visit Eurobrasserie website

14 Oct 2012 (Sunday)

Eurobrasserie -  Via Angelo May fest. Country & bluegrass dmusic in front of the famous Eurobrasserie pub . From 2,30 PM  Bergamo

06 Oct 2012 (Saturday)

Country & bluegrass concert with MMB at Barrio’s theatre in Milan. Event organized by Felix Company. Milano(Mi) See event presentation     See event flyer

30 Sep 2012 (Sunday)

Podere di Binse Third edition - The Mismountainboys will play during the day at dog center dedicate to the 4 bovari dog species.Several initiatives during the day, food and lottery and at the end chestnut.Anyone can partecipate with their dogs too Località Balzarine  Fagnano Olona.(Va). See Podere di Binse website See event flyer   See event program

29 Sep 2012 (Saturday) Mostra mercato dei colori d'autunno - at FRANCO LOCATELLI garden with live MMB country e bluegrass music between 4Pm till 7 PM . Via Briantea 9, Ambivere (Bg) Info line 035 795809 e 329 8625990. The fans can have dinner  with MMB ay  Pizzeria Black Horse . Booking at 035610247
23 Sep 2012 (Sunday)

Festa Oratorio Seriate - Concert with MMB. Seriate (Bg) see event flyer

22 Sep 2012 (Saturday)

Festa Oratorio Seriate - Concert with MMB. Seriate (Bg) see event flyer

21 Sep 2012 (Friday)

Festa Oratorio Seriate - Concert with MMB. Seriate (Bg) see event flyer

15 Sep 2012 (Saturday)

Private party only for the tennis club città dei Mille members. Bergamo

15 Sep 2012 (Saturday)

Harvest with MMB. Private Party . Bergamo

09 Sep 2012 (Sunday)

Oratorio Colognola - 21 PM - Country night at the Oratorio di Colognola fest. live music with Mismountainboys and line dance with  Punto Ballo. Colognola (Bg)

08 Sep 2012 (Saturday)

Movida di fine estate - From 9 PM  all night country music with MMB and line dance with  Punto Ballo. American cars and country booths! Organized by local community in the historic center close to trafic and Ciao Italy Eventi .Stezzano (Bg). See event flyer

07 Sep 2012 (Friday)

Polisportiva Brembate Sopra  - From 9 PM Open night at Brembate Sopra pool center with  MMB to celebrate the end of the summer season in the open garden. Free entrance. Swim suit are welcome !! Brembate Sopra (Bg).See event flyer

02 Sep 2012 (Sunday)

Fiera S. Alessandro - Concert with MMB. Bergamo

01 Sep 2012 (Saturday)

Fiera S. Alessandro - Concert with MMB. Bergamo

31 Aug 2012 (Friday)

Fiera S. Alessandro - Concert with MMB. Bergamo

25 Aug 2012 (Saturday)

Festa in borgo - 9 PM At the 2nd edition of the fest organized by local community, country and bluegrass music played by MMB. Berzo San Fermo (Bg)

25 Aug 2012 (Saturday)

MMB in concert at the Piazza Brembana market from 10 AM till 5 PM. Piazza Brembana (Bg)

24 Aug 2012 (Friday)

Country and bluegrass concert with Mismountainboys at S.Omobono(Bg). Concert at 9 PM

17 Aug 2012(Friday)

Sagra delle sagre - 2012 Edition - The mountain community of Valsassina Valvarrone, Val d'Esino e Riviera organize the  47a Sagra delle sagre. Free entrance  several booth with local specialties, events, playground and the Country&Bluegrass music with the MMB and line dance. Località Fornace, Barzio (Lc).

16 Aug 2012(Thursday)

Country Night - A country  flavour night up to Valle Imagna for all people with live MMB music. Fuipiano (Bg)

15 Aug 2012 (Wednesday)

Ferragosto Cavagnese - 9.30 PM Mismountainboys in concert at the sport campground. Cuasso al Monte (Va)

12 Aug 2012(Sunday)

Sotto le Stelle di Galla Placidia - Event organized by Città dii Ravenna orchestra with special guest MMB from 9 PM -  free entrance - Ravenna See event flyer

11 Aug 2012(Saturday)

Sagra di Ferragosto - 9 PM Country fest animated by  MISMOUNTAINBOYS . VIGOLO (BG)

04 Aug 2012(Saturday)

MMB in concert for the Canottieri di Monate fest. Via Binda 2, Travedona-Monate (Va) Visit Canottieri Monate website

28 Jul 2012 (Saturday) Country fest in Rovetta organized by Proloco with  MISMOUNTAINBOYS live concert. and line dance with Punto Ballo.   Rovetta (Bg)
28 Jul 2012 (Saturday) Salvi Bike Store celebrate its 70th commercial year with a special Saturday. Mismountainboys will play their country & bluegrass music for all store client from 4 PM. Zogno (BG)
27 Jul 2012(Friday) Country & Bluegrass music with  MISMOUNTAINBOYS at the 4th Festa in Piazza organized by Entratico's AVIS AIDO Entratico (BG). IConcert at 9 PM
22 Jul 2012(Sunday) Country Road Fest - 10 PM MMB in concert at Fest  closure concert in Vailate (CR).See event flyer
21 Jul 2012 (Saturday) CAMMINANDO NELLA MUSICA - 9 PM MISMOUNTAINBOYS and the line dance coreography by PUNTO BALLOat the 2nd Festa edition, organized by Millennium drum & bugle corps and by AFAB (Family association against drug Bergamo)      V. Cernaia 3, 24049 Verdello(Bg).  Concert held at the sport village in  Verdello (BG). See event flyer
19 Jul 2012(Thursday) Tri' de' Country. Concert with MMB. Morengo (Bg)
15 Jul 2012(Sunday) Join the Mismountainboys fot the 25th anniversary of Ottica Bruzzese activity within the notte bianca in Bergamo. Concert will start at 9 PM
15 Jul 2012(Sunday) Festa della polenta Foppolo local community organize the fest for visitors 11,30 AM. Mismountainboys in concert. Foppolo (Bg).
14 Jul 2012(Saturday) Tri' de' Country. Concert with MMB. Morengo (Bg)
13 Jul 2012(Friday) Country Road Fest - 10 PM MMB in concert at Fest opening concert in Vailate (CR).See event flyer
08 Jul 2012(Sunday) "Country" day at the Avis Aido fest. MISMOUNTAINBOYS live concer from 2.30 PM. CALCIO (BG).
07 Jul 2012(Saturday)

Festa delle Ghiaie- 9 PM Great night and fine food with the  MismountainBoys music with their Country & Bluegrass repertoire guest at the chief fest Ottavio Lanfranchi. Money collected during the night will be given to the IPSeA volunteer group  - Villa D'Almè Frazione Ghiaie - Parco Isaia Locatelli(Bg) 

06 Jul 2012(Friday)

Special Fest 2012 - Mismountainboys in concert at 2012 feste edition . The famous singer Kiana will open the music night. Food available. Concerts will starts from 9,30 PM. Orio al Serio (BG)

02 Jul 2012(Monday)

Private party in Varese

01 Jul 2012(Sunday)

Country night at Zogno bier fest. Live MMB concert. Food service starts at 6 PM. Concert will begin at 9.30 PM. Endenna Sport center. Zogno (BG)

29 Jun 2012(Friday)

32a Fest edition organized by Comune di Mornico al Serio and cultural association. MMB in concert starting from 9 PM  Historycal center in MORNICO AL SERIO (BG).Visit fest website

24 Jun 2012 (Sunday)

Cavalcando 2012 - Concert with MMB. Levate (Bg)

24 Jun 2012 (Sunday)

CORNA E ... MAGNA 2012 - live MMB concert from 1,30 PM till 4  PM. This is event is for partecipants only.Corna Imagna(Bg) See event flyer

21 Jun 2012 (Thursday)

Festa della musica - MMB special guest at the popular fest at european level where is possible to listen to all kind of musics. Go to the website festa della musica and download the partecipation form. Organized by Fai e Filca CISL Bergamo. Historic center from 6 till midnight, San Pellegrino (Bg).See event flyer

17 Jun 2012 (Sunday)

Zanicountry 2012 - Forth edition of the famous fest at Buona Speranza farm organized by local community MMB Night concert Infoline 035 67130 Via Pradone 17 Zanica (Bg)See Event flyer   Read Zanicountry project document

03 Jun 2012 (Sunday)

Cascina Riviera - Open day at the Cascina Riviera where they grow up Falabella horse race. Mismountainboys live concert from 2 PM. Almè (BG)

02 Jun 2012 (Saturday)

Afternoon and country night  with Mismountainboys at the Western Ranch . Info line 338 8668269 Cascina Paolina. Lissone (MB)

26 May 2012(Saturday)

Festa delle Capannelle - Concert with MMB. Capannelle (Bg). See event flyer

06 May 2012 (Sunday)

Cascina del sole - Open Day from  9,30 AM with horse show stall and tipycal food taste from Coldiretti, Live country&bluegrass music with MISMOUNTAINBOYS from 6.30 PM followed by  country themed dinner.                                                                                              RANCH CASCINA DEL SOLE- Carrobbio degli Angeli (Bg).

01 May 2012 (Tuesday) Travagliato Cavalli - Live MMB Country & Bluegrass concert at  XXIII editions of the famous horses fair. Travagliato (BS) Visit Travagliato Cavalli website
30 Apr 2012 (Monday) Travagliato Cavalli - Live MMB Country & Bluegrass concert at  XXIII editions of the famous horses fair. Travagliato (BS) Visit Travagliato Cavalli website
29 Apr 2012 (Sunday) Country Garden - From 3 PM at FRANCO LOCATELLI  garden  country event with local beer country & bluegrass with MISMOUNTAINBOYS and country dance stage.  Via Briantea 9, Ambivere (Bg) Info line 035 795809 e 329 8625990
29 Apr 2012 (Sunday) Travagliato Cavalli - Live MMB Country & Bluegrass concert at  XXIII editions of the famous horses fair. Travagliato (BS) Visit Travagliato Cavalli website
28 Apr 2012 (Saturday) Travagliato Cavalli - Live MMB Country & Bluegrass concert at  XXIII editions of the famous horses fair. Travagliato (BS) Visit Travagliato Cavalli website
22 Apr 2012 (Sunday) Sagra della cicoria - Second edition of the fest based on local tipical dishes produced in the 5 Valgandino's land at the Alpini's parking lot headquarter.  Mismountainboys will play their country & bluegrass music during the aperitif and  also at the night concert. In case of rain the concerts will be held inside the Alpini's headquarter.Cazzano S.Andrea (BG) See event flyer
21 Apr 2012 (Saturday) Sagra della cicoria - Second edition of the fest based on local tipical dishes produced in the 5 Valgandino's land at the Alpini's parking lot headquarter.  Mismountainboys will play their country & bluegrass music during the aperitif and  also at the night concert. In case of rain the concerts will be held inside the Alpini's headquarter.Cazzano S.Andrea (BG) See event flyer
20 Apr 2012 (Frrday) GLEM RISTO BAR - Dinner and concert  "Old West Saloon" organized by Jambalaya Events with  MISMOUNTAINBOYS live music. Camorino, Bellinzona(CH)  See event flyer
19 Apr 2012 (Friday) Sagra della cicoria - Second edition of the fest based on local tipical dishes produced in the 5 Valgandino's land at the Alpini's parking lot headquarter.  Mismountainboys will play their country & bluegrass music during the aperitif and  also at the night concert. In case of rain the concerts will be held inside the Alpini's headquarter.Cazzano S.Andrea (BG) See event flyer
14 Apr 2012 (Saturday) Trattoria Pascoletto - 9 PM Great evening with typical dishes from Bergamo's tradition in the centenary trattoria managed by Cinzia and Nico with the Mismountainboys music. Info line 035 611042 Pascoletto  Fraz. Mozzo(Bg).  Visit trattoria Pascoletto Website
31 Mar 2012 (Saturday)

Eurobrasserie - 10 Pm. The Mismountainboys will play their  Bluegrass & Country repertoire at the Eurobrasserie Pub located in Via Angelo Maj 1.Bergamo(Bg).Visit Eurobrasserie website

27 Mar 2012 (Tuesday) Al Vecchio Tagliere - 8.30 PM Historical osteria since 2004, where you can taste the famous "tagliere" menu's along with a rich  wine choice and the the country & bluegrass of the Mismountainboys. Via Marconi 69, Alzano Lombardo Frazione Nese(Bg). Tel 035-3286896 e 380-19822121 Visit Vecchio Tagliere website
23 Mar 2012 (Friday)

Ryan Pub - 10 PM Country & Bluegrass night with  Mismountainboys at the famous Ryan Pub. Via Sorte 9, località Barzana (Bg) Visit Ryan Pub website

16 Mar 2012 (Friday)

Caffè al volo - 10 PM Country & Bluegrass night with MMB in acoustic. Info line 035-820016. Polisportiva Berzo San Fermo, Via Europa Unita (Bg)

28 Feb 2012 (Tuesday)

Taverna dei viandanti - 8 Pm Country & bluegrass with MISMOUNTAINBOYS at the Taverna del Viandante.Western e Tex-Mex food.Booking Info line  Tel 039 6981332. Cell 334 9834242. Camparada (MB) Visit tavern website See night event flyer   See the dinner menu

19 Feb 2012 (Sunday)

Nothing to hide : trip into the Old West - 3.30 PM  In collaboration with milanese branch office of the Unione Italiana Ciechi, at the theatre in  Via Bellezza 16 (Mi) See event flyer-invite

5 Feb 2012 (Sunday)

Amigdala Theatre - 9.30 PM Country & bluegrass concert at the famous Trezzo sull'Adda theatre . Via Lombardia Trezzo sull'Adda (Mi) Amigdala Theatre website

5 Feb 2012 (Sunday)

Festa delle Caprette - 10.30 AM Live country & bluegrass music with  MMB at 13a goat fest and  11a donkey fest organized by local community. Ardesio (Bg)

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22 Jam 2012 (Sunday)

BOPO - From 6 PM aperitif with  "I Mismountainboys + Stroff"  Country bluegrass ed much more..... Via Concordia 6/A Ponteranica(Bg)

21 Jan 2012 (Saturday)

Murder Ballads - Local Zanica community in collaboration with  Fondazione Benedetto Ravasio organize the Stroff artist exhibition titled  Danze Macabre - where the MISMOUNTAINBOYS will play their murder ballad songs with an unusual musicians mix. Centro socio culturale "Don Milani", Piazza Repubblica, Zanica(Bg) See event flyer