2013 shows
21 Dec 2013 (Saturday)

Eurobrasserie - 10 Pm. The Mismountainboys will play their  Bluegrass & Country repertoire at the Eurobrasserie Pub located in Via Angelo Maj 1.Bergamo(Bg).Visit Eurobrasserie website

20 Dec 2013 (Friday)

Country night at Pub  mai visto with line dance lessons held by  Stefanino teacher and the coreography of MONSTER COUNTRY GROUP BERGAMO followed by  country & bluegrass concert byi MISMOUNTAINBOYS. Concert at 9.30 PM SEDRINA (BG)

15 Dec 2013 (Sunday)

Rebelot Pub - Country & western night at REBELOT PUB from 10 PM with MISMOUNTAINBOYS. Albano Sant'Alessandro (BG).See Rebelot Pub Facebook page

03 Dec 2013 (Tuesday)

Private party in Bergamo (Bg)

10 Nov 2013 (Sunday)

Festa di San Martino - Festa di San Martino organized by Torre Boldone commercial association. Live country with the Mismountainboys. From 2,30 PM. Torre Boldone (BG)

09 Nov 2013 (Saturday)

Acoustic country & bluegrass night with MISMOUNTAINBOYS to pen the new music season at  Bocciofila Ponteranica - BO.PO - with new venue owners. Concert at 9 PM - Ponteranica (BG)Visit BOPO Website

20 Oct 2013 (Sunday)

Festa Via Angelo Maj - Mismountainboys returns to the traditional street fest. Concert from 2 PM. Bergamo (Bg)

19 Oct 2013 (Saturday)

Country night at Pub  mai visto with line dance lessons held by  Stefanino teacher and the coreography of MONSTER COUNTRY GROUP BERGAMO followed by  country & bluegrass concert byi MISMOUNTAINBOYS. Concert at 9.30 PM SEDRINA (BG)

06 Oct 2013 (Sunday)

Podere di Binse Fifth edition - The Mismountainboys will play during the day at dog center dedicate to the 4 bovari dog species.Several initiatives during the day, food and lottery and at the end chestnut.Anyone can partecipate with their dogs too Località Balzarine  Fagnano Olona.(Va). See Podere di Binse website See event flyer   See event program

22 Sep 2013(Sunday)

Seriate Country Fest - 5 PM MMB concert American car rally organized by Just good ol' boy See car rally event flyer Visit official fest webpage.  Download the fest program

21 Sep 2013(Saturday)

Seriate Country Fest - 9 PM MMB concert 2013 News : Line Dance Competion !! Click here for details Visit official fest webpage.  Download the fest program

20 Sep 2013(Friday)

Seriate Country Fest - 9 PM MMB concert 2013 News : Line Dance Competion !! Click here for details Visit official fest webpage.  Download the fest program

14 Sep 2013 (Saturday)

Country night with Mismountainboys in Pontirolo Nuovo downtown place at 9 PM. Pontirolo Nuovo (Bg)

08 Sep 2013(Sunday)

Fiera di S. Alessandro - Live country e bluegrass music with  MISMOUNTAINBOYS at the most famous Bergamo fair. Bergamo (Bg).

07 Sep 2013(Saturday)

Fiera di S. Alessandro - Live country e bluegrass music with  MISMOUNTAINBOYS at the most famous Bergamo fair. Bergamo (Bg).

06 Sep 2013(Friday)

Fiera di S. Alessandro - Live country e bluegrass music with  MISMOUNTAINBOYS at the most famous Bergamo fair. Bergamo (Bg).

29 Aug 2013 (Thursday)
MISMOUNTAINBOYS special guests at "Pensiero, Narrazione e Voce" show organized by Comune di Alfonsine (RA) Concert will be at the library garden or in case or bad weather at the Cineteatro Gulliver iin 'Resistenza square. 9 PM Alfonsine (Ra). See event flyer
25 Aug 2013(Sunday)

AIPD - Country & bluegrass night with MISMOUNTAINBOYS - All line dancers are invited. 9 PM  at the sport center in CHIUDUNO (BG) See fest flyer

24 Aug 2013 (Saturday)

Solza under the stars - Country night with the MMB and line dance with MONSTER COUNTRY GROUP BERGAMO Demo line dance and lesson 9 PM. Concert at 10 PM. Via Roma Solza (Bg)

23 Aug 2013(Friday)

Sport Fest - Country night with  MMB and line dance with Stefanino teacher and his group  MONSTER COUNTRY GROUP BERGAMO. . Concert at 8,30 PM. Gromlongo (Bg)

18 Aug 2013 (Sunday)
Country night organized by Proloco di Berbenno. Futher details to be defined soon. Berbenno (Bg). See event flyer
17 Aug 2013 (Saturday)
Mismountainboys guests at the country day organized by LA FLORIDA bar and pizzeria in Ardesio Western booths and tipical food. Dancers bikers and americal cars are welcome.Concert start at 9.30 PM. Ardesio (Bg)
12 Aug 2013(Monday)

Country fest at Avis - Ghisalba branch - with MISMOUNTAINBOYS live music and line dance with Stefanino teacher and his group  MONSTER COUNTRY GROUP BERGAMO. Ghisalba fest area (Bg)

11 Aug 2013 (Sunday)

IFor their centenary of turism in Presolana MMB will be special guest at the fest with country e bluegrass music. Market with typical products available. Organized by  Turismo Presolana. From 10 AM till late afternoon. Castione della Presolana (BG)

09 Aug 2013 (Friday)

Country night at the Proposta venue at the sport center in Briolo, Ponte S. Pietro (BG).line dance headed by Stefanino teacher  and MONSTER COUNTRY GROUP BERGAMO. Country booth with jewelery .Will open the night the folk songwriter Gianni Masia  fand after Mismountainboys in concert. Ponte S.Pietro , località Briolo (Bg)

04 Aug 2013 (Sunday)
Country night with a lot of local food with MISMOUNTAINBOYS at the Taverna del Marchese.9.30 PM San Giorgio la Molara (BN)
04 Aug 2013 (Sunday)
MISMOUNTAINBOYS  acoustic performance at  Fondazione Iacocca. with the contribute of  Nando Peretti foundation Location: S. Marco dei Cavoti (BN) 11,30 AM
03 Aug 2013(Saturday)

Riccia Folk Festival - 10 PM -Country & bluegrass night with MISMOUNTAINBOYS special guest at RICCIAFOLKFESTIVAL 2013. Riccia (Cb) See event flyer

27 Jul 2013 (Saturday)

Almenno in Country! Country fest country organized by Proloco with Alpini support. Line dance lessons by  MONSTER COUNTRY GROUP BERGAMO and Stefanino teacher, mechanic bullcountry jewellery booth, american cars and bikes are welcome! Mismountainboys country e bluegrass concert  from 9,30 PM. Almenno San Salvatore (Bg)

25 Jul 2013(Thursday)

Country night at the 7th edition of the festa with Mismountainboys country and bluegrass music , and line dance with MONSTER COUNTRY GROUP BERGAMO and Stefanino teacher. Concert will start at 8 PM. Mariano di Dalmine (Bg)

21 Jul 2013 (Sunday)

MMB guest at San Michele fest with all afternoon  country & western! Concert will start at 2 PM. Portovaltravaglia (Va). Visit Jambalaya Events website

20 Jul 2013(Saturday)

Late night country e bluegrass music with Mismountainboys and the line dance performed by the teacher Francesco Pasqualini and scuola di ballo Let's Dance in San Pellegrino historical center. Inizio h 21. San Pellegrino (Bg)

18 Jul 2013 (Thursday)

Late night country e bluegrass music with Mismountainboys and the line dance performed by MONSTER COUNTRY GROUP BERGAMO  Bergamo (Bg)

14 Jul 2013 (Sunday)

IFor their centenary of turism in Presolana MMB will be special guest at the fest with country e bluegrass music. Market with typical products available. Organized by  Turismo Presolana. From 10 AM till late afternoon. Castione della Presolana (BG)

06 Jul 2013 (Saturday)

Country night at the Proposta venue at the sport center in Briolo, Ponte S. Pietro (BG).line dance headed by Stefanino teacher  and MONSTER COUNTRY GROUP BERGAMO. Country booth with jewelery .From 9 PM Country Colors in concert and then the  Mismountainboys. Ponte S.Pietro , località Briolo (Bg)

03 Jul 2013(Friday)

Country & bluegrass night with Mismountainboys special guest at the RED fest at Ismes area in Seriate (BG) See event flyer

01 Jul 2013(Monday)

Vecchia fattoria di Pontoglio - Harvest fest organized by Vecchia fattoria di Pontoglio association with Mismountainboys country & western music and line dance with MONSTER COUNTRY GROUP BERGAMO of Stefanino teacher. From 8.30 PM . Pontoglio (Bs)

29 Jun 2013 (Saturday)

Concert cancelled due to organizator problems

28 Jun 2013(Friday)

A new way to taste pizza in a country way with line dance lessons headed by Stefanino teacher  and MONSTER COUNTRY GROUP BERGAMO from 8.30 PM basic & intermediate level. Live country e bluegrass dei music with MISMOUNTAINBOYS from 10.30 PM BREMBATE SOTTO (BG) Via Risorgimento 28

23 Giugno 2013 (Domenica)

Cherries fest - Mismountainboys special guests at the cherries fest organized by Podere di Binse with MONSTER COUNTRY GROUP BERGAMO  line dancers headed by Stefanino teacher. From 11 AM . Fagnano Olona (VA). See event flyer

22 Jun 2013(Sabato)

Festa della musica -Event organized by CISL San Pellegrino local community. Concerts will start at 5 PM with emerging band. MMB at 9 PM. Stage in Papa Giovanni XXIII street. San Pellegrino (Bg)

21 Jun 2013(Friday)

 Wedding - Private party, Bergamo

16 Jun 2013(Sunday)

Mismountainboys at the 6th edition of the  "Ai pe' del Misma" fest in Cenate Sopra (BG)

14 Jun 2013 (Friday)

Country night at the Proposta venue at the sport center in Briolo, Ponte S. Pietro (BG).line dance headed by Stefanino teacher  and MONSTER COUNTRY GROUP BERGAMO. Country booth with jewelery .From 9 PM Country Colors in concert and then the  Mismountainboys. Ponte S.Pietro, località Briolo (Bg)

08 Jun 2013(Saturday)

Country fest for associated at Scuola Materna Giovanni XXIII with  MMB music. Line dance with Punto Ballo. From 3 PM till 5 PM. Azzano San Paolo (BG) See event flyer , see event poster

07 Jun 2013(Friday)


02 Jun 2013(Sunday)

Across the Country.  From 3,30 PM in collaboration with the UIC Milan branch office in the theatre located in Via Bellezza 16 Milano

01 Jun 2013(Saturday)

Campagnola - 9 PM Country night with live Mismountainboys concert and line dance with Punto Ballo at the Campagnola district fest. Campagnola (Bg).See event flyer

31 May 2013(Friday)

A new way to taste pizza in a country way with line dance lessons headed by Stefanino teacher  and MONSTER COUNTRY GROUP BERGAMO from 8.30 PM basic & intermediate level. Live country e bluegrass dei music with MISMOUNTAINBOYS from 10.30 PM BREMBATE SOTTO (BG) Via Risorgimento 28

25 May 2013 (Saturday)

Capannelle di Zanica  - Cancelled due to weather condition

12 May 2013(Sunday)

Playhouse - 10 PM Country & Bluegrass concert with  Mismountainboys and line dance with MONSTER COUNTRY GROUP BERGAMO.. Visit Playhouse on Facebook.Via Provinciale 10, Dalmine(Bg)

10 May 2013(Friday)

A new way to taste pizza in a country way with line dance lessons headed by Stefanino teacher  and MONSTER COUNTRY GROUP BERGAMO from 8.30 PM basic & intermediate level. Live country e bluegrass dei music with MISMOUNTAINBOYS from 10.30 PM BREMBATE SOTTO (BG) Via Risorgimento 28

28 Apr 2013(Sunday)

Country & bluegrass concert with MMB special guest at the Un Lago DiVino fest held by Proloco di Sarnico. Concert on the lake from 5,30 PM. Sarnico (Bg)

26 Apr 2013(Friday)

A new way to taste pizza in a country way with line dance lessons headed by Stefanino teacher  and MONSTER COUNTRY GROUP BERGAMO from 8.30 PM basic & intermediate level. Live country e bluegrass dei music with MISMOUNTAINBOYS from 10.30 PM BREMBATE SOTTO (BG) Via Risorgimento 28

21 Apr 2013(Sunday)

Sagra della Cicoria - 2013 Edition - Country e bluegrass with MMB at the fest sponsorized byAlbino's Bar New Square and with the logistic support  of the Alpini. Cazzano S. Andrea (BG)See event presentation on Viverebergamo event website

20 Apr 2013(Saturday)

Sagra della Cicoria - 2013 Edition - Country e bluegrass with MMB at the fest sponsorized byAlbino's Bar New Square and with the logistic support  of the Alpini. Cazzano S. Andrea (BG)See event presentation on Viverebergamo event website

19 Apr 2013(Friday)

Sagra della Cicoria - 2013 Edition - Country e bluegrass with MMB at the fest sponsorized byAlbino's Bar New Square and with the logistic support  of the Alpini. Cazzano S. Andrea (BG)See event presentation on Viverebergamo event website

12 Apr 2013(Friday)

A new way to taste pizza in a country way with line dance lessons headed by Stefanino teacher  and MONSTER COUNTRY GROUP BERGAMO from 8.30 PM basic & intermediate level. Live country e bluegrass dei music with MISMOUNTAINBOYS from 10.30 PM BREMBATE SOTTO (BG) Via Risorgimento 28

06 Apr 2013(Saturday)

Country night at the Proposta venue at the sport center in Briolo, Ponte S. Pietro (BG).line dance headed by Stefanino teacher  and MONSTER COUNTRY GROUP BERGAMO. Country booth with jewelery .From 9 PM Country Colors in concert and then the  Mismountainboys. Ponte S.Pietro , località Briolo (Bg)

17 Marzo  2013 (Domenica)

Lombardia Carne - Concerts with Mismountainboys and MONSTER COUNTRY GROUP BERGAMO line dancers group at the famous fair in Rovato. Rovato, centro Fiere Franciacorta (Bs)

16 Mar  2013 (Saturday)

Lombardia Carne - Night concert with Mismountainboys with MONSTER COUNTRY GROUP BERGAMO line dancers group at the famous fair in Rovato. Rovato, centro Fiere Franciacorta (Bs)

02 Mar  2013 (Saturday)

Italia Vacanze - Mismountainboys special guest at 39a  edition of the famous fair.Country night starting from 9 PM. Parco Esposizioni Novegro. Linate aereoporto (Mi) Visit Italia Vacanze  website

01 Mar  2013 (Friday)

Italia Vacanze - Mismountainboys special guest at 39a  edition of the famous fair.Country night starting from 9 PM. Parco Esposizioni Novegro. Linate aereoporto (Mi) Visit Italia Vacanze  website

08 Feb  2013 (Friday)

Playhouse - 10 PM Country & Bluegrass concert with  Mismountainboys. Visit Playhouse on Facebook.Via Provinciale 10, Dalmine(Bg)

12 Jan 2013 (Saturday)

Eurobrasserie - 10 Pm. The Mismountainboys will play their  Bluegrass & Country repertoire at the Eurobrasserie Pub located in Via Angelo Maj 1.Bergamo(Bg).Visit Eurobrasserie website

11 Jan  2013 (Friday)

Playhouse - 10 PM Country & Bluegrass concert with  Mismountainboys. Visit Playhouse on Facebook.Via Provinciale 10, Dalmine(Bg)