2016 shows
13 Nov 2016 (Sunday) Mismountainboys guests at  Fiera Cavalli at Indian Ranch Saloon from opening till 5 Pm. Verona (Vr)
12 Nov 2016 (Saturday) Mismountainboys guests at  Fiera Cavalli at Indian Ranch Saloon from opening till 5 Pm. Verona (Vr)
30 Oct 2016 (Sunday) Mismountainboys at FieraMente Birra with musical sets from 10,30 AM till late afternoon. Fiera di Bergamo (Bg)
29 Oct 2016 (Saturday) Mismountainboys guests at  7th Mito America fair in Padova (Pd)
22 Oct 2016 (Saturday) Mismountainboys guests at  Festa d'Autunno at p.za Monte Grappa central square in Varese organized by La Stube del Trentino irestaurant with collaboration of ASCOM. Concerts from 3 PM. Varese (Va)
09 Oct 2016 (Sunday) Private party in Cassano d'Adda (Mi)
08 Oct 2016 (Saturday) Mismountainboys guests at the CREATTIVA 2016 winter edition. Concert from 11,30. Via Lunga Bergamo (Bg)
02 Oct 2016 (Sunday) Podere di Binse Eighth edition - The Mismountainboys will play during the day at dog center dedicate to the 4 bovari dog species.Music from 10am. Localitą Balzarine  Fagnano Olona.(Va). See Podere di Binse website
See event flyer
01 Oct 2016 (Saturday) I Mismountainboys at  Boomerang Cafe' for acoustic country night with special dinner. Concert 9 PM  Corsico (Mi)
25 Sep 2016 (Sunday) Grape festival with Mismountainboysconcert at 21 PM ! Pontida(Bg).  See event flyer.
24 Sep 2016 (Saturday) Mismountainboys guests at traditional San Matteo fair with their country & bluegrass music at the sport center in Branzi (BG) Concert from 9 PM
23 Sep 2016 (Friday) Grape festival with Mismountainboysconcert at 21 PM ! Pontida(Bg).  See event flyer.
12 Sep 2016 (Monday) Private party in Pavia (Pv).
10 Sep 2016 (Saturday) White night in Zanica with the booth  Old Wild West by Settimio Perrone. From 9 PM  with musical sets till late night. Zanica (Bg)
04 Sep 2016 (Sunday) MISMOUNTAINBOYS guests at BERGAMO COUNTRY 2016 edition within historical Fiera di Sant'Alessandro. Via Lunga , Bergamo (Bg)
03 Sep 2016 (Saturday) MISMOUNTAINBOYS guests at BERGAMO COUNTRY 2016 edition within historical Fiera di Sant'Alessandro. Via Lunga , Bergamo (Bg)
02 Sep 2016 (Friday) MISMOUNTAINBOYS guests at BERGAMO COUNTRY 2016 edition within historical Fiera di Sant'Alessandro. Via Lunga , Bergamo (Bg)
27 Aug 2016 (Saturday) Summer end fest at Casa del Contadino in country fashion with typical dishes , western booth and country with Mismountainboys and Hot Road. Concerts from 5 PM till 11,30 PM. Selvino (Bg)
WARNING : date cancelle due to organization problems
26 Aug 2016 (Friday) Private party in Bergamo (Bg)
15 Aug 2016 (Monday) August bank holiday with Mismountainboys at Scuderia della Valle.  info line 338 2198144 e 338 7788149. Via Valsecca Bassa, 2 Sant'Omobono Terme (BG)
Localitą Valsecca
14 Aug 2016 (Sunday) The Mismountainboys are back to "SIAMO PERIGOLOSI" , in Carona. Concert at 6,30 PM. Carona (Bg)
13 Aug 2016 (Friday) Great return at Vedeseta Country with Mismountainboys soundtrack of th e event organized by Caseificio S.Antonio. Western menu' with faboulous cheeses. Concert at 9 PM . Vedeseta, localitą Reggetto (Bg) 
11 Aug 2016 (Thursday) MISMOUNTAINBOYS guests at Sagra delle Sagre edition n. 51 Concert at 9 PM. Pasturo di Barzio (LC)   
06 Aug 2016 (Saturday) Country night at Cannottieri di Monate IConcert at 9 PM. Monate (VA) 
05 Aug 2016 (Friday) Country music at Green Fest, organized by young community with Mismountainboys. The concert will be held even in case of bad weather. Concert at 9 PM. Grignano (Bg).  
31Jul 2016 (Sunday) Country day at "Casa del Contadino" with BBQ and western dishes. Western booth Old Wild West by Settimio Perrone and G.A.M.&C. (Gruppo Amatoriale di Modellismo & Collezionismo) association and  bluegrass & country music with Mismountainboys from 11 AM till 5 PM. Selvino (Bg) CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER CONDITIONS
29 Jul 2016 (Friday) Country music with  MISMOUNTAINBOYS at 8th Festa in Piazza organized by AVIS AIDO in Entratico (BG). Concert at 9 PM
28 Jul 2016 (Thursday) Mismountainboys will play their country & bluegrass music at the Coldiretti island withing the Street Food event. Concert sets from 4 PM till 6 PM. Selvino (Bg)
24 Jul 2016 (Sunday) Mismountainboys guests at seventh edition of the famous country festival in Lavena Ponte Tresa. Concert at 9 PM.(Va)
23 Jul 2016 (Saturday) White night in Presezzo with Mismountainboys at  Pizzeria & Gelateria Black Horse . Info line  035 610247. Concert at 10 PM. Presezzo (Bg)
22 Jul 2016 (Friday) Night in Country & Bluegrass fashion with Mismountainboys at SAGRA IN CAMPAGNA organized by Amici della Festa sull'Aia association and Coldiretti. Typical farm menu available.Concert at 9 PM.Mornico al Serio (Bg)
17 Jul 2016 (Sunday) Country night for the 3 days closure dedicated to the beer organized by Bar Sport at sport campground in Gandino in via Ca' dell'Agro n 1. Info line 035 748978. Concert at 8 PM
15 Jul 2016 (Friday) Mismountainboys guests at the third edition oof the FIARO' BEER FESTIVAL held in the downtown square. Concert at 11 PM. Frugarolo (AL)
05 Jul 2016 (Tuesday) MISMOUNTAINBOYS special guest in Siena for the  OMAGGIO A JOHNNY CASH organized by Parco delle Sculture del Chianti  . INFO LINE  +39 0577 357151  Concert at 7 PM. See event flyer
26 Jun 2016 (Sunday) Mismountainboys will open the concert for american artist Kelly Rucker virtuosa . Event in Giovanni XXIII square at Corsico (Mi). Concert at 8 PM
18 Jun 2016 (Saturday) Private party in Oggiono (Lc)
17 Jun 2016 (Frirday) Country and bluegrass night with Mismountainboys at Festa Alpina held at Centro Sportivo. Concert 09:00 PM. Azzano San Paolo (BG).
11 Jun 2016 (Saturday) Mismountainboys guests at Oratorio di Ceriano Laghetto for their country night. Good food and children playground. Western booth  Old Wild West with western stuff headed by Settimio. Concert at 9 PM. Ceriano Laghetto (MB)
09 Jun 2016 (Thursday) Country fest at Polisportiva di Calcinate with Mismountainboys music. Traditional US food and kid's playground .  Western booth  Old Wild West with western stuff headed by Settimio. Concert at 9 PM. Calcinate (Bg). Date postponed for weather conditions
04 Jun 2016 (Saturday) Great year end school fest  organized by AGE with country music by  Mismountainboys Western booth  Old Wild West with western stuff headed by Settimio , typical dishes and playground for all at Oratorio in Bonate Sotto (BG). Concert at 21
02 Jun2016 (Thursday) Mismountainboys guest at Trescore Horse Country organized by Circolo culturale Igea horse riding, Western booth  Old Wild West with western stuff headed by Settimio and tipical food. Concert at 9 PM. Trescore Balneario (Bg)
01 May 2016 (Sunday) Continuing the tradition Mismountainboys will play at the famous Sagra della Cicoria at its 6a edition. IConcert at 9 PM. Cazzano S.Andrea (BG)
30 Apr 2016 (Saturday) Continuing the tradition Mismountainboys will play at the famous Sagra della Cicoria at its 6a edition. IConcert at 9 PM. Cazzano S.Andrea (BG)
17 Apr 2016 (Sunday) Aperitif with Country & Bluegrass music with Mismountainboys at Caffe' Del Viale from 7 PM till 9 PM. Info line 035 562384. Via Locatelli 107 Dalmine (Bg)
16 Apr 2016 (Saturday) Country & bluegrass night at at brand new bar managed by Carol e MIchela with Mismountainboys that will play with two acustic sets. Exibhition will start at 7 PM. Azzano San Paolo (Bg).
10 Apr 2016 (Sunday) The cooperative Agricola Castel Cerreto organize one day at Cascina Pelesa, for the asparagus festival. The festival will start at 11 AM and from 12 PM there will be dishes based on this vegetable. Mismountainboys will play from 2,30 PM . Location Antica Cascina Pelesa, in via Canonica 148 in Treviglio frazione Castel Cerreto.
23 March 2016 (Wednesday) Mismountainboys acoustic duo at Piadineria Pucci where you can taste the original piadina romagnola and other delicious dishes. Music from 8 PM.
Info line 366 872 9908 .Via Fratelli Kennedy 2, Bagnatica(Bg)
13 March 2016 (Sunday) Aperitif with country e bluegrass music of Mismountainboys at  "Il Caffč della Funicolare". From here started the MMB  adventure back in  2005! Info line 035 210091. Concert 7,30 PM
06 March 2016 (Sunday) Mismountainboys special guest at Creattiva fair event Spring edition  in B pavillon with musical sets from 9 AM till 3,30 PM. Via Lunga, Fiera di Bergamo (BG).
05 March 2016 (Saturday) Mismountainboys special guest at Creattiva fair event Spring edition  in B pavillon with musical sets from 9 AM till 3,30 PM. Via Lunga, Fiera di Bergamo (BG).
19 February 2016 (Friday) Mismountainboys in acoustic trio at Osteria del Castello with their country & bluegrass music. Concert at 9,30 PM. Piazza Gallarati Scotti, 8 20060 Truccazzano (MI) fraz. Corneliano Bertario.
06 February 2016 (Saturday) Country & bluegrass music with MISMOUNTAINBOYS  at Ponteranica Bowling - BO.PO. Concert  9,30 PM- Ponteranica (BG).Visit BOPO website
24 January 2016 (Sunday) Mismountainboys guests at Unione Italiana Ciechi in Milan for the concert "Across the Country - Viaggio alle radici della musica country" from 3,30 PM  Via Bellezza 16 Milano auditorium.
08 January 2016 (Friday) Mismountainboys Acoustic Duo allieteranno la serata al Ristorante Birreria Wine Bar Mafalda di Spirano (BG). Inizio h 21
07January 2016 (Thursday) Mismountainboys acoustic duo at  Ca' del Fasa' info line and booking 035-239829. Concert 9,30 PM. Via Colleoni (angolo P.zza Vecchia) Bergamo (Bg)
03 January 2016 (Sunday) Aperitif with country e bluegrass music of Mismountainboys at  "Il Caffč della Funicolare". From here started the MMB  adventure back in  2005! Info line 035 210091. Concert 7,30 PM